Contact Securicord
Register Online: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using our secure SSL encrypted online order form.
Register by Phone: Reach us at 1.888.801.6187 from Monday to Friday, 8AM–5PM PST, 11AM–8PM EST.
Register by Email: Contact us by email at

Please remember to bring the kit with you to the hospital at the time of delivery.
If your delivery date is within the next 72 hours, our laboratory will contact you immediately after you register to arrange an emergency kit.
Client Services
Questions? Call 1.888.801.6187 or email
Urgent Contact
Our client services hotline is available 24 hours a day. To report a cord blood shipment on weekends, holidays, or after hours, or for urgent physician and hospital inquiries, call 1.888.801.6187 24/7 or email
Highly qualified candidates may submit their c.v. at
Media / Marketing
How Cord Blood Banking Works
Step 1
Register for cord blood banking
You can do this online or by calling the Securicord cord blood and cord tissue banking centre at 1-888-801-6187.
Step 2
Receive your cord blood and cord tissue collection kit
Within 2 days after you enroll, we will ship out the collection kit.
Step 3
Bring your kit to the hospital
On the big day, bring your kit to the hospital and give it to your delivery team.
Step 4
Cord blood and cord tissue collection
Your doctor will collect cord blood and cord tissue samples after the baby is born.
Step 5
At the lab
Our trained couriers will pick up the kit from your bedside and deliver it to the lab at Securicord.
Step 6
Using stem cells
Once your baby’s stem cells are safely stored, you will receive a certificate of banking indicating the number of stem cells, yield, and potency along with retrieval information.